Emergency numbers
If you or someone else might be in danger of hurting themselves or others, call 911 or go to the hospital emergency right away. Further emergency contact information for physical and mental health resources are available below.
Ambulance, fire, police
Call 9-1-1
Poison control
Call 1-800-567-8911
Alcohol & drug information referral service
Alcohol & Drug Information Referral Service (ADIRS) provides free, confidential information and referral services to British Columbians in need of support with any kind of substance use issue (alcohol or other drugs).
Phone: 1-800-663-1441
Vancouver access & assessment centre
Access and Assessment Centre (AAC) is an alternative to the Emergency Department for people having a non-life threatening mental health and/or substance use issue.
Call or walk in any time, 24/7, 365 days a year: (604) 675-3700
Joseph & Rosalie Segal & Family Health Centre,
Level 1 East Entrance
803 West 12th Avenue
HealthLink BC
HealthLink BC is a 24-hour resource for non-emergency health information and advice.
Phone: dial 8-1-1
or for deaf or hearing-impaired call: 1 (866) 889-4700
Crisis intervention & suicide prevention centre
24-hour line for confidential and free emotional support.
Phone: (604) 872-3311
Deaf or hearing-impaired call: 1 (866) 872-0113
Youth in BC distress line
24-hour distress line for youths in crisis.
Phone: (604) 872-3311
Additional resources
Mental health teams
Strathcona Mental Health Team
330 Heatley Avenue, Vancouver
(604) 253-4401
West End Community Mental Health Team
1128 Hornby Street, Vancouver
(604) 331-8904
South Mental Health Team
1200 W 73rd Avenue #22, Vancouver
(604) 266-6124
Housing & homelessness
Carnegie Outreach
360 Jackson Street, Vancouver
(604) 665-3318
Neighbourhood Housing Society
380 Main Street
668 Powell Street
40 East Hastings Street
(604) 331-8757
PHS Community Services Society
20 West Hastings Street, Vancouver
(604) 683-0073
Vancouver Native Housing Society
1726 East Hastings Street, Vancouver
(604) 320-3312
Emergency shelter
Aboriginal Shelter
201 Central Street, Vancouver
(604) 682-5556
Lookout Society
346 Alexander Street, Vancouver
(604) 681-9126
Triage: RainCity Housing
707 Powell Street, Vancouver
(604) 254-3700
Advocacy & legal services
Access Pro Bono
#300-845 Cambie St, Vancouver
Battered Women’s Support Services
PO Box 21503
1424 Commercial Dr. Vancouver
(604) 687-1867
Disability Alliance BC
#204-456 West Broadway, Vancouver
Community Legal Assistance Society
1140 West Pender St, Vancouver
(604) 685-3425
CRA Tax Services
468 Terminal Ave, Vancouver
DTES Women’s Centre
302 Columbia St, Vancouver
(604) 681-8480
First United Advocacy
542 East Hastings, Vancouver
(604) 251-3323
GST Credit Infoline
Law Students Legal Advice Program
Allard Hall, 1822 East Mall #129 UBC, Vancouver
(604) 822-5791
#311b-938 Howe St, Vancouver
(778) 888-2371
Legal Services Society
#400-510 Burrard St
(604) 601-6000
SOURCES Advocacy
#102-13771 72A Ave, Surrey
(604) 596-2311
Pacific AIDS Network
#603-402 West Pender St, Vancouver
(604) 558-1162
Residential Tenancy Office
5021 Kingsway, Burbaby
(604) 660-1020
Tenant Resource and Advisory Centre
(604) 255-0546 or 1-800-665-1185
St. Paul’s Advocacy
1130 Jervis St, Vancouver
(604) 683-4287
Wilson Heights Advocacy
1634 East 41st Ave, Vancouver
(604) 325-9944
WorkBC Employment Services
112 West Hastings Street, Vancouver
(604) 872-0770
Megaphone Magazine
121 Heatley Avenue, Vancouver
(604) 255-9701
Aboriginal Connections to Employment
(604) 687-7480
390 Main Street
(604) 688-9116
Crisis shelter for women
Kate Booth House
(604) 872-0772
Helping Spirit Lodge
(604) 872-6649
Powell Place
329 Powell Street, Vancouver
(604) 606-0403
Rape Relief
(604) 872-8212